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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The fast changing technological scenario poses to the Institute a challenge of continuously updating its curriculum and faculty to be able to provide state-of-the-art education to the students. Changes, both major and subtle, have been made by the different departments of the Institute, to be better prepared for tomorrow. We, at DIRECTIONS, will bring to you a brief profile of one department in every issue, beginning with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

The Computer Science and Engineering Department at HIT has a long history as far as CSE departments go. The Department was formally established in 2008. It has existed with B.Tech and M.Tech. degrees since 2008. In the undergraduate programme, the first batch graduated in 2012.


The Department currently has ten faculty members, including two visiting Professors. Faculty research interest spans a wide range: from abstract theory to down-to-earth problems of immediate interest to industry. Current areas of research can be broadly classified into the following categories: Algorithms; AI and NLP; WSN; Image Processing; Architecture, OS, Distributed Computing; Information Systems; Networks and Internet Technologies; Software Engineering and Languages; Theoretical Computer Science (Computational Complexity, Logic in CS). Teaching load is fairly low, typically a faculty member teaches two courses and possibly one tutorial in a year. Further, one of these two courses can be an elective as per the choice of the faculty member.

Academic Programmes

The Department offers B.Tech. (60 students per year) and M.Tech. (18 students per year).The M.Tech.programme is designed for students who have a B.Tech./B.E. in CS, or possess equivalent background. Students have a lot of flexibility in choosing courses. All PG students receive assistantship at the Institute.

Computing Facilities

The Department has a modern laboratory to serve the teaching and research needs of the students and faculty of the Department. The lab currently has high-end configuration servers and about 100 PCs configuration of Wipro, HCL with "DUAL CORE(2.8GHZ),1GB RAM.320GB HDD, 17''LED MONITOR". All faculty members and students have sole access to a PC. All systems are connected to the Departmental LAN which is a part of the Institute-wide area network. Internet connectivity is provided by a 4MBPS link leased from VODAFONE for all the Departments. Institution facilitated with 24 hours Wi-Fi services.

The following laboratory facilities are available to fulfill the university curriculum.

1."C” programming lab

2. Data Structure using “C” lab

3. Object oriented programming lab

4. Design and Analysis of Algorithm lab

5. Database Engineering lab

6. Computer Organization lab

7. Computer Network lab

8. JAVA programming lab

9. Operating System lab

10. Software Engineering lab

11. Project & Seminar lab

Relation with Industry

The Department has close interaction with a number of industry and Government agencies. The main modes of interaction are sponsored projects and short-term courses.


A recent survey has rated the Department at the top amongst all CS Departments at private engineering college for teaching.

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