• info@hit.ac.in
  • 9938615995 (Office) , 9348054112 (Admission)

HIT Computing Facilities

The primary goals of the computer labs and classrooms is to provide assistance to students that will enhance their chances of succeeding in technology-based classroom assignments and to provide access to equipment that will support the needs of instruction where we celebrate life-long learning.

The facilities include 350 Intel dual Core computers, running on operating systems, namely Windows XP, Windows 7, Unix and Linux and housed in six large air conditioned laboratories. Through LAN, Linux and Window NT servers connect all the computers. Internet connectivity through a 4 MBPS leased line under the aegis of BSNL. The students and faculty members obtain materials for study and information. Latest versions of Oracle 11g, MS Office, MATLAB, AUTOCAD, Xilinx, Visual Paradigm, Visual Studio 2010, Turbo C++ and Java are available for use. Many more software’s are in the pipeline.

The Open Computer Lab provides support to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff in the use of computers and software applications. Our lab provides computers, peripherals, classroom related software, study rooms, and technical assistance.

The computer labs support the curriculum of the college and the assignments of the instructors. We encourage you to use these facilities with the help and guidance of your instructors. Accessing Internet is a privilege granted for the primary purpose of conducting research, completing class assignments, and gaining familiarity with evolving electronic communications.

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