An Educational Institution is meant to explore and acquire newer ideas and methodologies, which help you being at the forefront. Hi-Tech Institute of Technology (HIT), yet another feather added to the illustrious cap of Hi-Tech group of Institutions for supporting the same adage.Having set milestones in Medical and Engineering education, Hi-Tech group has set its goal on churning out technocrats of excellence through HIT.One of the greatest and most rewarding professions in the world is engineering. And through the contribution of HIT to the field, is certain to bring a remarkable change.
HI-Tech Institute of Technology (HIT) is recognized for its quality teaching and learning excellence. In addition, in HIT, one can find wide range of social , cultural and sporting opportunities which are unrivaled.
Quality Education is the single window to bring HIT to academic excellence. Hi-Tech Institute of Technology has started on the year 2008 with under-Graduate B.Tech Programme.
I would like to use this platform to address all the students, guardians, parents and public, who is one way or the other associated with technology and management, the modern day wealth creators.
GOOD ACADEMICS : One of the best engineering college in Odisha. Institute is built up with honesty, intigrity and innovative research in multi-disciplinary area.
RESEARCH : To build interdisciplinary collaborations that inspire innovation among faculty as well as student.
ACTIVITIES : Participation in different Programmes like skill development, Personality development, Student Clubs.
TRAINING : Training to meet the industries requirement, HIT linked with leading companies to give hands on technology.
FACILITIES : An effective Proctorial System to provide an amiable environment for student's entire development.